What we do matters. Why we do our work and who we do it for matters. This network of educators committed to being People of God’s Story matters. At Christian Deeper Learning, we are a group of passionate educators from around the world who see students as God’s image-bearers, who wish to engage them deeply in learning, and who desire to be distinctively Christ-centered in our approach to learning and life.

We have gathered some of the very best Christian educators we know to be contributors to this blog, and we look forward to coming to you typically on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays each week. Look for new blog posts on Mondays and Wednesdays, and on Fridays, a digest of things: a past post you may have missed, new ideas and resources, and sharing of news and pertinent information.
We welcome new contributors to our blog, and you can learn more about what topics we are hoping will be addressed as well as guidelines for your writing. Read more about our all-star group of contributors by clicking on their smiling faces.
Of course, please consider coming to Vancouver for our 6th annual conference! Registration is now open, and don’t delay as we expect a capacity crowd, and we would hate for you to miss out. See more information on christiandeeperlearing.org.
Best wishes for a great school year ahead!