Why Deeper Learning
What does it mean to approach learning as participation in “God’s Story?” Learning in God’s Story is not primarily about content but about experience. Our participation is not only about what we think but also about our deepest hopes for ourselves and the world in light of God’s Story.
So then, does our Christian faith go beyond phrases like the “integration of faith and learning” or “teaching from a Christian worldview” to teaching in a way where our faith informs our pedagogy?
As we reflect on our practices, we may see gaps between our faith and our methods. If we are honest, we may have nagging feelings that we are not moving toward that ultimate mission through fully aligning our faith/beliefs and how we educate:
Does the way I organize my class (curriculum, instruction, assessment, and culture) honor my students as image bearers of our Creator?
Are my students really engaged in the work I assign, or are we both going through the motions of what we imagine school is “supposed to be?”
Have I made compromises in my practices? Am I focusing too much on individual student success and keeping parents/admin happy, doing it “the way it has always been done?” Is there a way I can better model the creativity and innovation of Jesus?
What can I do to explicitly and implicitly focus my classroom on loving God and our neighbors?
Christian Deeper Learning (CDL) was conceived and designed to bring together Christian educators who desire to engage students deeply in learning, help them discover who they are as image-bearers of God, and help them find their place in God’s story.
The mission of CDL is to promote teaching practices that invite and equip students to be people of God’s Story, engaged in real work that forms self and shapes the world.
We do that by encouraging innovative practices and various design models that provide opportunities for teachers and school leaders to have deep conversations about what it means to teach “Christianly” and better meet their missions. See this blog series, The Many Roads to Christian Deeper Learning to learn more about the six ways Christian Deeper Learning is implemented.
The Christian Deeper Learning conference gathers educators from around the world. It offers an excellent opportunity to explore what Deeper Learning means in a Christian context. provides opportunities to learn from national-level professionals, network with others, and mutually encourage each other in their professional work.
A Celebration of the Learner
What it means to be created in God’s image.
A Mindfulness towards Learning Design
How curriculum, instruction and assessment inspire inward and outward engagement.
A Responsiveness to Culture
How to embody our mission in every aspect of school life and how to live it out in God’s world.