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Writer's pictureDan Beerens

CDL Digest - 1.13.23

Why I Love CDL Educators

When I talk to others who are unfamiliar with the Christian Deeper Learning conference, I often find myself using the words, "It is a gathering of what I consider to be some of the very best Christian educators in the world today." I sincerely mean what I am saying! Why do I say some of the very best?

Here is a list, in no particular order, of why I admire our CDL conference attendees:

  1. They have thought through what they believe about students, understand how they learn, and what it means to follow Jesus and help their students do the same. They are in the process of connecting or have connected the dots of belief and practice, philosophy, and pedagogy.

  2. They believe deeply that each child is an image-bearer of God and should be seen and educated accordingly.

  3. They are willing to act on what they believe and take risks to educate in ways that may not be the norm or follow traditional practices. They do this, sometimes in the face of opposition or at the least additional hours of preparation, so that their students can be more deeply engaged in and experience the joy of learning and come to understand how to live out their faith in meaningful ways.

  4. They are eager to learn from and with others and demonstrate a spirit of collaboration and sharing.

  5. They are generally positive people who seek to live out their faith joyfully and who exude deep and grounded confidence in the faithfulness of God.

Thanks for who you are CDL educators, and I look forward to being with you soon in March!

Note: In the coming weeks, we will be posting blogs written by some of our workshop presenters. I hope you will enjoy them and consider signing up for their sessions at CDL6!


CDL6 Update

Coming very soon - if you have registered for CDL6 look for information coming to you from Christian Deeper Learning about using the Whova (pronounced Who vah) conference management app. We will be using that app to help you maximize your CDL experience - we will share all the workshop information, allow you to sign up for workshops, to connect with each other, post pictures, give feedback, view PPT's of presentations, learn more about partner/sponsors, etc.

If you have not registered yet, there is no better time! We are very close to 400 registered and only have room for 500. For more information on the pre-conference offerings, our conference schedule, lodging options, etc., please visit our website and register now.

We are excited to be offering 60+ different workshops during the conference! All workshops have gone through a vetting process for acceptance, and we are confident that you will find them valuable for your work and learning! Each workshop session will be 90 minutes in length to dive more deeply into the subject at hand, and as a participant, you can expect that the presenter will use highly engaging, deeper learning type of pedagogical practices. There is still time to register here.

We are really excited about and blessed by the partners who will be joining us at our conference! All will be sharing information at their tables, and some will be doing workshops and EMT's (Eleven Minute Talks). We seek partners who understand and get behind the mission of CDL and who have genuinely helpful ways to support your work. Here are a few of our partners - we will highlight more each week. Click on each logo for more information.


Editor's note about the Digest: We hope to share with you each week articles of interest that you may have missed. This will include current information as well as previous blog posts from CDL that perhaps you didn’t have time to read the first time around. If you have items you think may be of interest, please feel free to get in touch with me at We are also seeking blog writers for our blog posts which are published each week on Monday and Wednesday. For more info, see our guidelines.

Website addition

You can now access upcoming events, webinars, resources, etc. in our new Network Events section of the website. We invite submissions from the CDL community that may be beneficial and of interest to CDL educators.


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