Spiritual Renewal
We pour our lives out every day for our students. Jesus poured his life out for us. But we don’t often make time to receive the rest, refreshment, and renewal he promises for our weary souls. We are just too busy. Too distracted.
We cannot effectively invite our students into an abiding, intimate relationship with God if we ourselves are drained and depleted. And so we offer this gift to you: a day set aside in a beautiful space to encounter, hear from, and respond to God in guided reflection, times of solitude, and times of prayer.

Donovan Graham is the director of The Center for Teacher Renewal, a ministry designed to enable Christian educators to experience the renewing grace of God for themselves and to enhance their professional abilities in ways that reveal that grace in the classroom. Dr. Graham is a teacher, counselor, and spiritual guide for those who seek to vibrantly live out their Christian faith in all dimensions of their work.

Joanna Levy is the spiritual director of New Covenant School in Arlington, MA., where she leads chapels. She runs workshops on spiritual formation, and helps teachers create embodied practices that invite students to fall in love with Jesus. One of her passions is setting up Sacred Spaces where students and teachers can encounter and respond to the presence of God.